Educational Resources

Trails, worksheets, activities and more!

We are working to create worksheets and activities for anyone to download or print off to use for their visit to the Park. Please see below the resources we currently have available.

Self-guided trails

Below are three trails you can download and print off prior to your visit. These are designed to be printed off in A5 booklet format (In Adobe Acrobat use the option to print as a booklet) and completed by the children during their visit.

World of Plants Trail Habitats and Adaptations trail Classification Challenge Trail

STEM activity booklet

An activity booklet with games, crafts and lessons linked to the STEM subjects and the natural world. The booklet includes activities for EYFS, KS1, KS2 and Secondary age children. Simply download the booklet and print the pages you wish to use to compliment your visit to Cotswold Wildlife Park or to consolidate classroom learning linked to animals and the environment.

STEM Activity Booklet

Activities and worksheets

Please select a year group below to find the downloadable resources.

Secondary resources

Below are activities and worksheets for you to download and print off prior to your visit.

Cotswold Wildlife Park and Gardens

Cotswold Wildlife Park and Gardens